• Sunday, 22. December 2024 03:53

DKP-Raid, 15. October 2023 22:00

Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Fauldarm, Modermiene, Valithria Traumwandler

Attendees 24

Items 21

Buyer Name Itempool Droprate Value
bank icon Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 0
Bazzart icon Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 10
Bazzart icon Leggings of Northern Lights DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 10
Belexi icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Itemkonto 5 % 400
Exprêss icon Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 10
Fasciknight Bryntroll, der Knochenrächer DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 10
Fasciknight icon Scourge Reaver's Legplates DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 55
Freerun icon Faceplate of the Forgotten DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 10
Funnybunnyy icon Heartpierce DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 10
Funnybunnyy icon Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 111
Funnybunnyy icon Lungbreaker DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 10
Harlim icon Deathbringer's Will DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 350
Jarah icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 50
Jarah icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 110
Knarznor icon Nightmare Ender DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 10
Knuspi icon Nibelung DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 10
Knuspi icon Ring of Rapid Ascent DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 1050
Schamskí icon Leather of Stitched Scourge Parts DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 10
Schamskí icon Bloodsunder's Bracers DKP-Itemkonto 1 % 160
Ultimaratio icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Itemkonto 4 % 300
Ultimaratio icon Rot-Resistant Breastplate DKP-Itemkonto 0 % 10

Class Distribution Loot Distribution

Class Distribution

Class Percent Attendees
class 5 Paladin
Aurelo, Freerun, Stárlîght, Ultimaratio
class 3 Hunter
Bazzart, Ganadros
class 8 Shaman
Belexi, Cabale, Khormat, Schamskí
class 1 Death Knight
Exprêss, Fasciknight, Morisie
class 7 Rogue
class 6 Priest
Grillhendl, Knuspi, Sanctuarý
class 10 Warrior
Harlim, Madmike
class 4 Mage
Jarah, Tyrê
class 9 Warlock
Knarznor, Zadolek
class 2 Druid


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