• Sunday, 22. December 2024 02:50




Date Name Note Value
18.01.24 DKP-Raid Halion 56
11.01.24 DKP-Raid Trash Mob, Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel 108
07.01.24 DKP-Raid Trash Mob, Sindragosa, Professor Seuchenmord, Der Lichkönig 93
04.01.24 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Valithria Traumwandler, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel, Modermiene, Fauldarm 105
10.12.23 DKP-Raid Sindragosa, Der Lichkönig 33
07.12.23 DKP-Raid Trash Mob, Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Valithria Traumwandler, Modermiene, Fauldarm, Professor Seuchenmord, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel 107
03.12.23 DKP-Raid Professor Seuchenmord, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel, Sindragosa 106
30.11.23 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Valithria Traumwandler, Modermiene, Fauldarm 105
26.11.23 DKP-Raid Blutkönigin Lana'thel, Sindragosa 108
23.11.23 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Valithria Traumwandler, Modermiene, Fauldarm, Professor Seuchenmord, Rat des Blutes 105
19.11.23 DKP-Raid Professor Seuchenmord, Valithria Traumwandler, Sindragosa 108
16.11.23 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel, Modermiene, Fauldarm 103
12.11.23 DKP-Raid Valithria Traumwandler, Sindragosa 105
09.11.23 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Fauldarm, Modermiene, Professor Seuchenmord, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel 108
05.11.23 DKP-Raid Valithria Traumwandler, Sindragosa 105
02.11.23 DKP-Raid Trash Mob, Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Fauldarm, Modermiene, Professor Seuchenmord, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel 105
29.10.23 DKP-Raid Fauldarm, Modermiene, Professor Seuchenmord 105
26.10.23 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel, Valithria Traumwandler 102
22.10.23 DKP-Raid Trash Mob, Fauldarm, Modermiene, Rat des Blutes, Blutkönigin Lana'thel 105
19.10.23 DKP-Raid Toravon der Eiswächter, Bestien von Nordend, Lord Jaraxxus, Fraktionschampions, Zwillingsval'kyr, Anub'arak, Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Valithria Traumwandler 110
15.10.23 DKP-Raid Lord Mark'gar, Lady Todeswisper, Kanonenschiffsschlacht von Eiskrone, Todesbringer Saurfang, Fauldarm, Modermiene, Valithria Traumwandler 105
12.10.23 DKP-Raid Bestien von Nordend, Lord Jaraxxus, Fraktionschampions, Zwillingsval'kyr, Anub'arak 105
08.10.23 DKP-Raid Klingenschuppe, Ignis, Meister des Eisenwerks, XT-002 Dekonstruktor, Der Eiserne Rat, Auriaya, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron, Yogg-Saron 90
05.10.23 DKP-Raid Bestien von Nordend, Lord Jaraxxus, Fraktionschampions, Zwillingsval'kyr, Anub'arak, Flammenleviathan, Algalon der Beobachter, Kologarn, General Vezax 103
... 24 entries found


Date Buyer Name Raid Itempool Value
18.01.24 Funnybunnyy icon Sharpened Twilight Scale DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 666
18.01.24 disenchanted icon Signet of Twilight DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
18.01.24 Knuspi icon Bracers of Fiery Night DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 800
11.01.24 Knuspi icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Madmike icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Haigen icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 240
11.01.24 Ultimaratio icon Bauble of True Blood DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Zadolek icon Sanguine Silk Robes DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
11.01.24 Sanctuarý icon San'layn Ritualist Gloves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Snuba icon Geistlord's Punishment Sack DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
11.01.24 Knarznor icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
11.01.24 Évè icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Fasciknight icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 399
11.01.24 Ganadros icon Bloodvenom Blade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Haigen icon Gunship Captain's Mittens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Freerun icon Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Ganadros icon Scourgeborne Waraxe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Ultimaratio icon Fallen Lord's Handguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Snuba icon Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Ganadros icon Zod's Repeating Longbow DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
11.01.24 Évè icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Haigen icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
11.01.24 Fasciknight icon Gendarme's Cuirass DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
11.01.24 bank icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid Default 0
08.01.24 Évè icon Royal Scepter of Terenas II DKP-Raid Default 520
08.01.24 Snuba icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid Default 10
08.01.24 Cowmooflauge icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid Default 10
08.01.24 Snuba icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.01.24 Évè icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
08.01.24 Stárlîght icon Astrylian's Sutured Cinch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.01.24 Cowmooflauge icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.01.24 Grillhendl icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 199
08.01.24 Madmike icon Sindragosa's Flawless Fang DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
08.01.24 disenchanted icon Ring of Rotting Sinew DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.01.24 bank icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
04.01.24 Grillhendl icon Plague Scientist's Boots DKP-Raid Default 600
04.01.24 Snuba icon Gangrenous Leggings DKP-Raid Default 10
04.01.24 Funnybunnyy icon Black Bruise DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Haigen icon Trauma DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Batmobil icon Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
04.01.24 disenchanted icon Helm of the Elder Moon DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
04.01.24 Haigen icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
04.01.24 Fasciknight icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 455
04.01.24 Tyrê icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Freerun icon Bloodfall DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
04.01.24 Évè icon San'layn Ritualist Gloves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Stárlîght icon Royal Crimson Cloak DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
04.01.24 Snuba icon Cryptmaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
04.01.24 Snuba icon Bracers of Eternal Dreaming DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Funnybunnyy icon Frostbrood Sapphire Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Madmike icon Grinning Skull Greatboots DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
04.01.24 Belexi icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 404
04.01.24 Haigen icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
04.01.24 Madmike icon Corpse Tongue Coin DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Aurelo icon Scourge Hunter's Vambraces DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Knuspi icon Gunship Captain's Mittens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Évè icon Ring of Maddening Whispers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Exprêss icon Broken Ram Skull Helm DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 550
04.01.24 Knarznor icon The Lady's Brittle Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
04.01.24 Évè icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
04.01.24 Funnybunnyy icon Frostbitten Fur Boots DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 333
04.01.24 Knarznor icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
10.12.23 Cabale icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
10.12.23 Exprêss icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 169
10.12.23 Cabale icon Royal Scepter of Terenas II DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 600
10.12.23 Zworgi icon Royal Scepter of Terenas II DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 600
10.12.23 Fasciknight icon Sealed Chest DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
10.12.23 Madmike icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
10.12.23 Haigen icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 180
10.12.23 Aurelo icon Sindragosa's Cruel Claw DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
08.12.23 Zadolek icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
08.12.23 Wotchurbek icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
08.12.23 Belexi icon Blood Queen's Crimson Choker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
08.12.23 Sanctuarý icon Shadow Silk Spindle DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
08.12.23 disenchanted icon Shoulders of Frost-Tipped Thorns DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.12.23 disenchanted icon Geistlord's Punishment Sack DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.12.23 Cabale icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
08.12.23 Cabale icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
08.12.23 Évè icon Professor's Bloodied Smock DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.12.23 disenchanted icon Leather of Stitched Scourge Parts DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.12.23 Haigen icon Holiday's Grace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
08.12.23 disenchanted icon Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
07.12.23 Jarah icon Dislodged Foreign Object DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
07.12.23 Stárlîght icon Bile-Encrusted Medallion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
07.12.23 Freerun icon Winding Sheet DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 44
07.12.23 bank icon Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
07.12.23 Belexi icon Frostbinder's Shredded Cape DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 501
07.12.23 Fasciknight icon Scourge Reaver's Legplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
07.12.23 Fasciknight icon Coldwraith Links DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 131
07.12.23 Stèffn icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 170
07.12.23 Zworgi icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
07.12.23 Batmobil icon Deathbringer's Will DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 320
07.12.23 Ultimaratio icon Ring of Rapid Ascent DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
07.12.23 Funnybunnyy icon Scourgeborne Waraxe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
07.12.23 Snuba icon Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
07.12.23 disenchanted icon Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
07.12.23 Madmike icon Juggernaut Band DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
07.12.23 disenchanted icon Necrophotic Greaves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
07.12.23 Zadolek icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
07.12.23 Tackel icon Band of the Bone Colossus DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
07.12.23 Ultimaratio icon Handguards of Winter's Respite DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
07.12.23 bank icon Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets DKP-Raid Default 0
03.12.23 Évè icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
03.12.23 Batmobil icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 140
03.12.23 Tyrê icon Phylactery of the Nameless Lich DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
03.12.23 disenchanted icon Stiffened Corpse Shoulderpads DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
03.12.23 Ëa icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
03.12.23 Bazzart icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 130
03.12.23 Ganadros icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
03.12.23 Ultimaratio icon Icecrown Glacial Wall DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
03.12.23 Belexi icon Valanar's Other Signet Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
03.12.23 Sanctuarý icon Incarnadine Band of Mending DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
03.12.23 Batmobil icon Cryptmaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
03.12.23 Zadolek icon Rigormortis DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
03.12.23 Haigen icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
03.12.23 Bazzart icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
01.12.23 disenchanted icon Faceplate of the Forgotten DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
01.12.23 Bazzart icon Distant Land DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
01.12.23 Bazzart icon Carapace of Forgotten Kings DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
01.12.23 Sanctuarý icon Corpse-Impaling Spike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 60
01.12.23 Ultimaratio icon Rot-Resistant Breastplate DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
01.12.23 Bazzart icon Rib Spreader DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
30.11.23 Freerun icon Boots of the Funeral March DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
30.11.23 Fasciknight icon Scourge Reaver's Legplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 177
30.11.23 Batmobil icon Frostbrood Sapphire Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 60
30.11.23 Zadolek icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
30.11.23 Grillhendl icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
30.11.23 Bazzart icon Deathbringer's Will DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 400
30.11.23 Fasciknight icon Skeleton Lord's Circle DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 155
30.11.23 Évè icon Boots of Unnatural Growth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
30.11.23 Fasciknight icon Corpse Tongue Coin DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
30.11.23 Évè icon Nibelung DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
30.11.23 disenchanted icon Shoulders of Mercy Killing DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
30.11.23 disenchanted icon Zod's Repeating Longbow DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
30.11.23 Cowmooflauge icon Band of the Bone Colossus DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
30.11.23 Haigen icon Bulwark of Smouldering Steel DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
30.11.23 Madmike icon Bracers of Dark Reckoning DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
26.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Phylactery of the Nameless Lich DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
26.11.23 Belexi icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
26.11.23 Aurelo icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
26.11.23 Aurelo icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
26.11.23 Belexi icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
26.11.23 Ximli icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 44
26.11.23 disenchanted icon Bloodfall DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
24.11.23 Évè icon Sanguine Silk Robes DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
24.11.23 Évè icon Shadow Silk Spindle DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 110
24.11.23 Cabale Keleseths Verführer DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
24.11.23 Ximli icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 43
24.11.23 Tackel icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 220
24.11.23 Snuba icon Astrylian's Sutured Cinch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
24.11.23 Ultimaratio icon Unclean Surgical Gloves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
24.11.23 disenchanted icon Distant Land DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
24.11.23 Ximli icon Fleshrending Gauntlets DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
23.11.23 Knarznor icon Dislodged Foreign Object DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 800
23.11.23 Freerun icon Seal of Many Mouths DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
23.11.23 Ximli icon Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
23.11.23 Évè icon Bracers of Eternal Dreaming DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
23.11.23 Madmike icon Noose of Malachite DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
23.11.23 Ganadros icon Frostbrood Sapphire Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 619
23.11.23 Snuba icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
23.11.23 Snuba icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
23.11.23 Batmobil icon Toskk's Maximized Wristguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
23.11.23 Bazzart icon Scourgeborne Waraxe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
23.11.23 Stárlîght icon Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
23.11.23 Knarznor icon Gunship Captain's Mittens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
23.11.23 Fasciknight Blutgetränkte Saronitstampfer DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
23.11.23 disenchanted icon Shoulders of Mercy Killing DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
23.11.23 Jarah icon Nibelung DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
23.11.23 Khormat icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
23.11.23 Khormat icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
23.11.23 Batmobil icon Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
19.11.23 Freerun icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
19.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
19.11.23 Ganadros icon Sindragosa's Cruel Claw DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
19.11.23 Ultimaratio icon Belt of the Lonely Noble DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.11.23 disenchanted icon Boots of the Funeral March DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.11.23 disenchanted icon Leggings of Dying Candles DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.11.23 Harlim icon Coldwraith Links DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
19.11.23 Zworgi icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 350
19.11.23 Yggdrazil icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 360
19.11.23 Freerun icon Astrylian's Sutured Cinch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
16.11.23 disenchanted icon Faceplate of the Forgotten DKP-Raid Default 0
16.11.23 disenchanted icon Distant Land DKP-Raid Default 0
16.11.23 Cabale icon Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Death Surgeon's Sleeves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 190
16.11.23 Évè icon Helm of the Elder Moon DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Bazzart icon Dual-Bladed Pauldrons DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Yggdrazil icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 220
16.11.23 Tyrê icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
16.11.23 Harlim icon Lana'thel's Chain of Flagellation DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
16.11.23 Yggdrazil icon Cryptmaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Khormat icon Valanar's Other Signet Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Zworgi icon Incarnadine Band of Mending DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
16.11.23 Freerun icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
16.11.23 Belexi icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
16.11.23 Fasciknight icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
16.11.23 Snuba icon Toskk's Maximized Wristguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
16.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Amoniak icon Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 270
16.11.23 Freerun icon Waistband of Righteous Fury DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Tyrê icon Nibelung DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 Belexi icon Shoulders of Mercy Killing DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
16.11.23 disenchanted icon Heartpierce DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
16.11.23 Jarah icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 350
16.11.23 Belexi icon Bulwark of Smouldering Steel DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
16.11.23 Funnybunnyy icon Band of the Bone Colossus DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 222
12.11.23 Zadolek icon Phylactery of the Nameless Lich DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 400
12.11.23 Funnybunnyy icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 232
12.11.23 Ximli icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 222
12.11.23 Exprêss icon Harbinger's Bone Band DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.11.23 Khormat icon Frostbinder's Shredded Cape DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
12.11.23 Bazzart icon Frostbrood Sapphire Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
12.11.23 Exprêss icon Grinning Skull Greatboots DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
10.11.23 Aurelo icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
10.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
10.11.23 disenchanted icon Bauble of True Blood DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
10.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Valanar's Other Signet Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
10.11.23 Grillhendl icon Incarnadine Band of Mending DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
10.11.23 Madmike icon Cryptmaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Batmobil icon Astrylian's Sutured Cinch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
09.11.23 Amoniak icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
09.11.23 Amoniak icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 199
09.11.23 Haigen icon Bloodsunder's Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
09.11.23 Exprêss icon Bile-Encrusted Medallion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Aurelo icon Winding Sheet DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
09.11.23 Jarah icon Lingering Illness DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
09.11.23 Knuspi icon Plaguebringer's Stained Pants DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Madmike icon Belt of Broken Bones DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Tyrê icon Greatcloak of the Turned Champion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
09.11.23 Stárlîght icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 310
09.11.23 Ximli icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 222
09.11.23 Zadolek icon Amulet of the Silent Eulogy DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
09.11.23 Hóts icon Boots of Unnatural Growth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Amoniak icon Scourgeborne Waraxe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Hóts icon Deathwhisper Raiment DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 Ganadros icon Leggings of Northern Lights DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
09.11.23 disenchanted icon Zod's Repeating Longbow DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
09.11.23 bank icon Harbinger's Bone Band DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
09.11.23 Ultimaratio icon Bulwark of Smouldering Steel DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
09.11.23 Exprêss icon Legguards of Lost Hope DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
09.11.23 Fasciknight icon Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
06.11.23 Madmike icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
06.11.23 Funnybunnyy icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 333
06.11.23 Knarznor icon Phylactery of the Nameless Lich DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
05.11.23 Ximli icon Scourge Reaver's Legplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.11.23 Aurelo icon Boots of the Funeral March DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.11.23 disenchanted icon Lungbreaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
02.11.23 Stárlîght icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 350
02.11.23 Tyrê icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
02.11.23 Madmike icon Lana'thel's Chain of Flagellation DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Knarznor icon Valanar's Other Signet Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
02.11.23 Sanctuarý icon San'layn Ritualist Gloves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Snuba icon Cryptmaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
02.11.23 Sanctuarý icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 450
02.11.23 Khormat icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
02.11.23 Amoniak icon Astrylian's Sutured Cinch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 110
02.11.23 Knuspi icon Corpse-Impaling Spike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
02.11.23 Madmike icon Bile-Encrusted Medallion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
02.11.23 Ximli icon Winding Sheet DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Yggdrazil icon Unclean Surgical Gloves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Khormat icon Horrific Flesh Epaulets DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
02.11.23 Cabale icon Black Bruise DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Yggdrazil icon Belt of the Lonely Noble DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Harlim icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 327
02.11.23 Jarah icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
02.11.23 Snuba icon Deathbringer's Will DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 660
02.11.23 Harlim icon Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
02.11.23 Zadolek icon Gunship Captain's Mittens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Snuba icon Corpse Tongue Coin DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Tyrê icon The Lady's Brittle Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
02.11.23 Ganadros icon Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
02.11.23 Freerun Blutgetränkte Saronitstampfer DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
02.11.23 Treeage icon Bone Sentinel's Amulet DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
02.11.23 Ximli icon Gendarme's Cuirass DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
02.11.23 Yggdrazil icon Bulwark of Smouldering Steel DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 330
02.11.23 bank icon Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets DKP-Raid Default 0
29.10.23 Fasciknight icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 306
29.10.23 Jarah icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
29.10.23 Aurelo icon Tiny Abomination in a Jar DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
29.10.23 Cabale icon Bloodsunder's Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
29.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Aldriana's Gloves of Secrecy DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
29.10.23 Stárlîght icon Bile-Encrusted Medallion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
29.10.23 Aurelo icon Faceplate of the Forgotten DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
29.10.23 Snuba icon Distant Land DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
29.10.23 Harlim icon Might of Blight DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
27.10.23 Aurelo icon Leggings of Dying Candles DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
27.10.23 Harlim icon Coldwraith Links DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
27.10.23 Grillhendl icon Nightmare Ender DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
27.10.23 Chadlock icon Dying Light DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
27.10.23 Madmike icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 400
27.10.23 Mirácolli icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 400
26.10.23 Zadolek icon Valanar's Other Signet Ring DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 60
26.10.23 Freerun icon Crypt Keeper's Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
26.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Geistlord's Punishment Sack DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
26.10.23 Grillhendl icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 360
26.10.23 Freerun icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
26.10.23 Chadlock icon Greatcloak of the Turned Champion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
26.10.23 Exprêss icon Corpse Tongue Coin DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
26.10.23 Freerun icon Waistband of Righteous Fury DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
26.10.23 Ximli icon Scourgeborne Waraxe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
26.10.23 Amoniak icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
26.10.23 Knuspi icon The Lady's Brittle Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 80
26.10.23 Snuba icon Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
26.10.23 Stárlîght icon Juggernaut Band DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
26.10.23 Jarah icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 110
26.10.23 Knarznor icon Bone Sentinel's Amulet DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
26.10.23 Cabale icon Band of the Bone Colossus DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
22.10.23 Aurelo icon Ring of Rotting Sinew DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
22.10.23 Madmike icon Rowan's Rifle of Silver Bullets DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
22.10.23 Ultimaratio icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
22.10.23 Mirácolli icon Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
22.10.23 Ganadros icon Bloodfall DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
22.10.23 Mirácolli icon Shoulders of Frost-Tipped Thorns DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
22.10.23 Harlim icon Cryptmaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
22.10.23 Ultimaratio icon Crypt Keeper's Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
22.10.23 disenchanted icon Helm of the Elder Moon DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
22.10.23 bank icon Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
22.10.23 Yggdrazil icon Trauma DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 70
22.10.23 Amoniak icon Gangrenous Leggings DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
22.10.23 Tyrê icon Plague Scientist's Boots DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
22.10.23 Harlim icon Might of Blight DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
22.10.23 Ganadros icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
19.10.23 Ganadros icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Bazzart icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Stárlîght icon Grinning Skull Greatboots DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
19.10.23 Belexi Zerfetztes Cape des Frostbinders DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 150
19.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Lungbreaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Aurelo icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
19.10.23 Ganadros icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
19.10.23 Mirácolli icon Greatcloak of the Turned Champion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 70
19.10.23 Sanctuarý icon Gunship Captain's Mittens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
19.10.23 Bazzart icon Scourge Hunter's Vambraces DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
19.10.23 Zadolek icon Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Khormat icon Nibelung DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Amoniak icon Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 disenchanted icon Heartpierce DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Tyrê icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 250
19.10.23 Tyrê icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 500
19.10.23 Aurelo icon Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
19.10.23 Aurelo icon Regalia of the Grand Conqueror DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 70
19.10.23 Knarznor icon Regalia of the Grand Conqueror DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 60
19.10.23 Madmike icon Regalia of the Grand Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 80
19.10.23 Madmike icon Regalia of the Grand Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
19.10.23 disenchanted icon Clemency DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 disenchanted icon Legguards of the Lurking Threat DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Amoniak icon Bracers of Dark Determination DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Tyrê icon Armbands of the Ashen Saint DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 60
19.10.23 Mirácolli icon Archon Glaive DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Harlim icon Legguards of Ascension DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Stárlîght icon Belt of the Merciless Killer DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 disenchanted icon Cord of Pale Thorns DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Ganadros icon Bracers of the Untold Massacre DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
19.10.23 Exprêss icon Satrina's Impeding Scarab DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Tyrê icon Cloak of Displacement DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
19.10.23 bank icon Plans: Breastplate of the White Knight DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Charge of the Demon Lord DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 55
19.10.23 Stárlîght icon Cuirass of Calamitous Fate DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 disenchanted icon Bracers of the Autumn Willow DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Bracers of Swift Death DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Grillhendl icon Blade of Tarasque DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 disenchanted icon Leggings of the Broken Beast DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Ultimaratio icon Boneshatter Armplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Fasciknight Schreckensplattenbeinschützer des zornerfüllten Gladiators DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
19.10.23 Zworgi icon Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
19.10.23 Fasciknight Geweihte Stulpen des Geißelfürsten DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Fasciknight icon Scourge Reaver's Legplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 55
15.10.23 Knarznor icon Nightmare Ender DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Lungbreaker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Ultimaratio icon Rot-Resistant Breastplate DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 bank icon Raging Behemoth's Shoulderplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
15.10.23 Schamskí icon Bloodsunder's Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 160
15.10.23 Schamskí icon Leather of Stitched Scourge Parts DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Freerun icon Faceplate of the Forgotten DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Bazzart icon Nerub'ar Stalker's Cord DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Ultimaratio icon Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
15.10.23 Belexi icon Protector's Mark of Sanctification DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 400
15.10.23 Harlim icon Deathbringer's Will DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 350
15.10.23 Knuspi icon Ring of Rapid Ascent DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 1050
15.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Ikfirus's Sack of Wonder DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 111
15.10.23 Exprêss icon Boneguard Commander's Pauldrons DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Knuspi icon Nibelung DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Bazzart icon Leggings of Northern Lights DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Heartpierce DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
15.10.23 Jarah icon Loop of the Endless Labyrinth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 110
15.10.23 Jarah icon Frozen Bonespike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
15.10.23 Fasciknight Bryntroll, der Knochenrächer DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 bank icon Wodin's Lucky Necklace DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Belt of the Sleeper DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Ximli icon Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 211
12.10.23 Snuba icon Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
12.10.23 Bazzart icon Regalia of the Grand Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
12.10.23 Bazzart icon Regalia of the Grand Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
12.10.23 Fasciknight icon Remorseless DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 Jarah icon Leggings of the Deepening Void DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 Snuba icon Bracers of Dark Determination DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Chestguard of Flowing Elements DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Bazzart icon Archon Glaive DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Snuba icon The Arbiter's Muse DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 Fasciknight Armschienen der Schildmaid DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 bank icon Plans: Titanium Spikeguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Freerun icon Breastplate of the Frozen Lake DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Bazzart icon Ring of Callous Aggression DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 111
12.10.23 Freerun icon Vambraces of the Broken Bond DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Legguards of Concealed Hatred DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Crusader's Dragonscale Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Madmike icon Dawnbreaker Greaves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Bracers of the Autumn Willow DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Snuba icon Charge of the Demon Lord DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 111
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Flowing Vestments of Ascent DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Stárlîght icon Breastplate of Cruel Intent DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Crusader's Dragonscale Breastplate DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 Zadolek icon Cord of the Tenebrous Mist DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
12.10.23 disenchanted icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Belexi Demonstration des Glaubens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
08.10.23 Yggdrazil icon Godbane Signet DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Cowl of Dark Whispers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Mantle of the Wayward Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Mantle of the Wayward Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Morisie icon Gauntlets of the Wayward Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Gauntlets of the Wayward Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Delirium's Touch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Insanity's Grip DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Legplates of the Wayward Conqueror DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Morisie icon Legplates of the Wayward Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 bank icon Nymph Heart Charm DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Leggings of the Enslaved Idol DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Crown of the Wayward Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Exprêss icon Fate's Clutch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 Morisie icon Vulmir, the Northern Tempest DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Breastplate of the Wayward Conqueror DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Breastplate of the Wayward Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Frostplate Greaves DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Freerun icon Constellus DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Greaves of the Rockmender DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Shoulderplates of the Eternal DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 bank icon Plans: Plate Girdle of Righteousness DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Unwavering Stare DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Stormrune Edge DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Iron-studded Mantle DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Morisie icon Belt of Colossal Rage DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 bank icon Phaelia's Vestments of the Sprouting Seed DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Elaenya icon Archivum Data Disc DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Spellslinger's Slippers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Brass-lined Boots DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Quartz Crystal Wand DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Mantle of Wavering Calm DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Cathalene icon Grasps of Reason DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Flamewrought Cinch DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 disenchanted icon Helm of the Furnace Master DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
08.10.23 Morisie icon Worldcarver DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 Yggdrazil icon Saronite Mesh Legguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 Knarznor icon Collar of the Wyrmhunter DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
08.10.23 Freerun icon Veranus' Bane DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 Zadolek icon Flare of the Heavens DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 400
05.10.23 bank icon Darkcore Leggings DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Mantle of the Unknowing DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon The General's Heart DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Leggings of the Stoneweaver DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Gloves of the Pythonic Guardian DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Decimator's Armguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Bulwark of Algalon DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Planewalker Treads DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Mirácolli icon Starshard Edge DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 Ultimaratio icon Reply-Code Alpha DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 100
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Freya's Choker of Warding DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Gloves of the Fiery Behemoth DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Steamcaller's Totem DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Boots of Fiery Resolution DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Stárlîght icon Regalia of the Grand Conqueror DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 560
05.10.23 Sanctuarý icon Regalia of the Grand Conqueror DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 600
05.10.23 Ximli icon Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 259
05.10.23 Harlim icon Regalia of the Grand Protector DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 200
05.10.23 Aurelo icon Catastrophe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
05.10.23 Funnybunnyy icon Vereesa's Dexterity DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
05.10.23 Tyrê icon Footpads of the Icy Floe DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 20
05.10.23 Ganadros icon Archon Glaive DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 Aurelo icon Greaves of the 7th Legion DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
05.10.23 Harlim icon Strength of the Nerub DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
05.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Moonshadow Armguards DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Mirácolli icon Lupine Longstaff DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Twin Spike DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Mirácolli icon Chalice of Searing Light DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 50
05.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Lunar Eclipse Robes DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Snuba icon Treads of the Icewalker DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 Stárlîght icon Chestplate of the Frostborn Hero DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Vambraces of the Broken Bond DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Plans: Breastplate of the White Knight DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Ximli icon Bloodbath Belt DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 189
05.10.23 disenchanted icon Legplates of Failing Light DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Grillhendl icon Solace of the Defeated DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 300
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 Ganadros icon Drape of the Untamed Predator DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 30
05.10.23 Exprêss icon Boneshatter Armplates DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 Snuba icon Boots of the Unrelenting Storm DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 10
05.10.23 bank icon Pattern: Royal Moonshroud Bracers DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
05.10.23 bank icon Trophy of the Crusade DKP-Raid DKP-Itemkonto 0
... 523 entries found


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